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Terms & Conditions

Please read the following Terms of Service (“Terms”) carefully before you agree to dog poop removal services from the Limited Liability Company named Pappy the Pooper Scooper.


Pappy the Pooper Scooper LLC is a veteran owned and independently operated Limited Liability Company (hereafter referred to as “Pappy”) that provides pet waste removal services (“Services”) to its residential customers that own and/or occupy residential properties needing Pappy’s Services and to its commercial customers that own and/or have authority to occupy commercial properties needing Pappy’s Services. In order to be a customer of Pappy, the customer must agree to the below listed Terms that are applicable to all sales and Services provided by Pappy to the customer. By accepting the Services provided by Pappy, the customer is bound to these Terms. The customer understands Pappy’s ability to provide Services can be affected by adverse weather conditions, the excessive lengths of grass and/or weeds on a customer’s property (excessive lengths to be determined by Pappy), access to a customer’s yard which is customer’s responsibility, and other unknown outside influences.


Pappy offers residential and commercial pooper scooper service for removal of dog waste. These Services include One-Time Cleaning, Weekly Cleaning, Every Other Week Cleaning, and Seasonal Cleaning along with removal of all collected dog waste from customer’s property. Prices for yard cleanings can be as low as $13.85 if Services are scheduled for routine weekly Services. Pricing is also dependent upon other numerous factors including land area not exceeding 1/8-acre (5,448 square feet), number of dogs, landscaping conditions, and length of time since land area was cleaned by Pappy.


Before Pappy begins Service for any customer, Pappy will provide the prospective customer with a free estimate for a One-Time cleaning fee and/or a Weekly cleaning fee. For prospective Weekly cleaning customers, the initial Weekly cleaning fee will normally range between $30 and $60. For customers wanting only a One-Time cleaning, the Service fee starts at $60 for a one-hour cleaning session. If customer requests additional cleaning time, Pappy charges $15 for each completed successive 15-minute increment of incurred cleaning time.


  • Twice-a-week cleaning for scheduled clients (Start at $11.42 per visit).
  • Weekly cleaning for scheduled clients (Start at $13.85 per visit).
  • Every 2nd week cleaning for scheduled clients (Start at $20.77 per visit).
  • Monthly and First-Time cleaning for scheduled clients (Start at $30 per visit)
  • One-Time cleaning for NON-scheduled clients (Start at $60 per visit)


  • Pappy’s Pail for Picked-Up Puppy Poop (Starts at $10 per month)
  • Deodorize & disinfect selected spots in yards (Starts at $3 per visit).
  • Clean dog poop from rocky/pebbled areas (Starts at $3 per visit).
  • Clean dog waste/disinfect spots on decks/patios/sidewalks (Starts at $5 per visit).
  • Deodorize & disinfect entire yard (Starts at $40 per visit).
  • Customer delays Pappy from performing cleaning ($10 per occurrence).


Pappy’s One-Time cleaning customers understand they will be billed by Pappy on the day of completed Service and they agree to make full payment to Pappy NLT 30 days after the Service has been completed. Pappy’s policy is that customer payments being delinquent more than 90 days will be turned over to a third-party collection agency for resolution.

Pappy’s monthly customers understand and agree to be pre-billed by Pappy on the 1st day of each month that Pappy is scheduled to provide Service to the customer. Pappy’s monthly customers understand and agree to be billed by Pappy 1 Time at the end of the Month. If a customer’s card is declined, Pappy will immediately discontinue further scheduled Service until the issue has been resolved. Pappy will only delay future scheduled Services for 30 days. If a customer elects to not resume monthly Services before the 30-day period has ended, Pappy will remove the customer from Pappy’s Service schedule. If after 30 days passes, and the customer again desires to resume Pappy’s monthly Service, a First-Time cleaning fee will be charged. Pappy’s policy is that customer payments being delinquent more than 90 days will be turned over to a third-party collection agency for resolution.


Pappy does not require written Service contracts for its customers. Pappy’s Service begins with its customer’s signature authorizing Pappy’s charge against the customer’s credit card for an agreed upon Service and an agreed upon Service fee. Pappy and/or Pappy’s third-party service providers must retain customer’s credit card information for payment arrangements.


Pappy’s customers are free to cancel their Service with Pappy at any time. Pappy requires its customers to give Pappy a two-week cancellation notice in writing via email. If a customer has unused credit due to monthly pre-billing, NLT two weeks after receiving written notice, Pappy will refund 100% of unused balance to the customer’s credit card on file.


Pappy does not require written Service contracts for its customers. Pappy’s Service begins with its customer’s signature authorizing Pappy’s charge against the customer’s credit card for an agreed upon Service and an agreed upon Service fee. Pappy and/or Pappy’s third-party service providers must retain customer’s credit card information for payment arrangements.


Pappy’s customers understand that it is difficult, if not impossible, for Pappy to find all dog poop in a customer’s yard if the grass in the yard is tall or if the yard is full of leaves or other debris. If grass/weeds in the yard are too tall (excessive lengths to be determine by Pappy), or the yard is covered with leaves or other debris, Pappy might not be able to see all dog poop on the ground and, therefore, might miss hidden and/or covered pieces of covered dog poop in the yard. Pappy will return on the next scheduled visit and, if grass in the yard has been cut and/or leaves or other debris has been removed, Pappy will then scoop up and remove all dog poop, including what was missed during Pappy’s previous service.


Pappy’s customers agree that Pappy will skip customers agreed upon routine cleaning Service if, when Pappy arrives at customer’s property, Pappy is not able to access the property because of a locked or blocked gate or because an unfriendly dog(s) is present in the yard. Pappy’s customers agree that if, for any of the above-named reasons, Pappy skips a scheduled scoop session, customers will pay Pappy its normal service charge for the skipped scoop session. Pappy suggests adding gate combinations or lock keys to Pappy’s customer’s file to avoid locked gates. If a customer requests Pappy to return during the same week, Pappy will return and will add a $5 return driving fee to the customer’s bill.


If dog poop can be safely scooped, Pappy will arrive at customer’s scheduled monthly cleaning appointments regardless of light rain or extreme temperatures. Customers understand that Pappy cannot provide Service during severe thunderstorms, high winds, flooding, or if snow or ice has accumulated in the yard. Pappy will coordinate with the customer to reschedule a possible replacement cleaning for the same week. If coordination is not possible, Pappy will skip service for that week and return the following week. Sorry, no refunds for missed services due to adverse conditions at the property, i.e., mushy ground, locked gate, an unfriendly dog left outside in the yard, etc. Reason; Pappy will have additional poop to scoop during the next scheduled service. Refunds are not issued because all accumulated dog poop from the missed cleaning will be scooped during the next scheduled cleaning. Pappy does not want to cause damage to a customer’s yard due muddy conditions of the yard. If muddy conditions exist in a customer’s yard, Pappy may skip cleaning the complete yard or skip the particular area of the yard that is muddy. When the yard area has dried out and the ground can safely be walked on without causing damage, Pappy will return with the next scheduled cleaning.


Pappy does not provide services on the following holidays: Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. If a customer’s scheduled cleaning day falls on one of these days, Pappy will skip that week’s cleaning service and return the following week. On the return visit Pappy will pick up all dog poop accumulated from the prior plus the current week. There are no refunds for skipped holiday cleanings.


Pappy always removes collected dog poop from its customer’s property for subsequent responsible disposal into landfills approved by the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ). This disposal method is not optional and is included in Pappy’s pricing.


Pappy collects customer’s personal information through its website and through other digital or personal communication with its customers. Customer’s personal information collected by Pappy is voluntarily provided by customers and may include information such as name, email address, phone number, and physical address. Pappy’s website and/or Pappy’s third-party service providers collect general information about customer’s requested service, type of property, area needing service, the type and number of pets, and general information about the customer’s pet’s behavior. Pappy collects this personal information before providing service to its customers. Pappy uses collected customer’s personal information only for purposes related to Pappy’s business. Pappy never sells its collected customer’s information. Pappy may provide collected personal information to its third-party service providers or vendors for purposes of, including without limitation, processing customer payments and/or sending information to customers, data tracking, maintenance or development of Pappy’s website. Pappy may share its customer’s personal information in connection with law enforcement requests or in response to investigations, subpoenas, court orders, or legal processes to establish or exercise Pappy’s legal rights or defend itself against legal claims or as otherwise required by law.


Pappy reserves the right to refuse its Services to prospective customers not located within Pappy’s defined service areas, prospective customers located in areas that Pappy feels are physically unsafe to service, and/or those that Pappy fells are not financially profitable to service. Pappy does not/will not refuse its Service to anyone based upon the party’s race, color, religion, citizenship status, any disability (mental or physical, sex or gender identification, medical or genetic information, sexual preference, and/or marital status.


Pappy provides the above-described Services to its customers subject to the Terms which Pappy may amend from time to time without notice to its customers. Amendments will be effective upon Pappy’s posting such updated Terms to Pappy’s website. Pappy recommends its customers visit Pappy’s website to keep informed of possible future policy revisions. Use of Pappy’s Services shall constitute customer’s acceptance of all Terms currently published on Pappy’s website when Pappy’s Services are provided to Pappy’s customers. Some of the provisions contained in these Terms may also be superseded by provisions or notices published elsewhere on Pappy’s website.

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