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Why Should I Get Pappy the Pooper Scooper to Do the Dirty Work for Me?  We Are Growing & Serving New Areas in Texas.  Call Us Today (469)632-1542

Pappy the Pooper Scooper knows you love your little furry pet that has become a family member. But you may dislike picking up the many piles of dog poop your little buddy leaves in the yard. Scooping dog poop is a gross, time-consuming, unpleasant job. Pappy the Pooper Scooper, your reliable and affordable pooper scooper, is here to take care of your pet’s business, so you and your family can do more enjoyable activities. We provide dog poop scooping & pet waste removal services to homeowners, HOAs, property managers, apartments, condominiums, public parks, and other commercial properties in Dallas, Kaufman, and Rockwall counties. We always try to schedule scooping appointment to meet our customer’s requirements.


See Our Map Below For Current Cities Or Call Us Today

Fate, TX

Fate, TX, USA

Garland, TX

Garland, TX, USA

Mesquite, TX

Mesquite, TX, USA

Rockwell, TX

Rockwall, TX, USA

Rowlett, TX

Rowlett, TX, USA

Royse City, TX

Royse City, TX, USA

Terrell, TX

Terrell, TX, USA

Wylie, TX

Wylie, TX, USA


Crandall, TX 75114, USA


Forney, TX 75126, USA


Heartland, TX 75126, USA


Talty, TX, USA


Sunnyvale, TX 75182, USA


Heath, TX 75032, USA


Lavon, TX, USA


Nevada, TX 75173, USA

Rockwall, TX
Rowlett, TX
Royse City, TX
Wylie, TX
Fate, TX
Garland, TX
Terrell, TX
Crandell Texas Poop Disposal
Crandell Tx
Pet Waste McLendon-Chisholm Texas
McLendon-Chisholm, TX
Sunnyvale, TX Poop Pickup
Sunnyvale, TX
Forney, TX Poop
Forney, TX
Pet Waste Removal Heartland Tx
Heartland Tx
Pet Waste Texas
Lavon, TX
Talty, TX Pet Waste Pickup
Talty, TX
Heath Tx Pet Waste Removal
Heath Tx
Crandell Texas Poop Disposal
Crandell Tx

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